Rois du Texas (Les) - Saison 2 intégrale

Informations générales

DVD Zone : 1
Sortie le : 11/11/2003

Informations techniques

Langues : Anglais Dolby Surround, Espagnol Dolby Surround
Sous-titres : Anglais, Espagnol


4 dvd
Image 1.33


Commentaries :
"Husky Bobby" by Peggy, Bobby and Luanne
"The Man Who Shot Kane Skretteberg" by Dale, Bill and Cotton
"Three Days of the Khando" by Dale, Bill and Kahn
"Leanne's Saga" by Peggy, Bobby and Luanne

Deleted/Extended Scenes : 22 Episodes
Director's intro : 17 Episodes
Featurette : Animation Evolution
"Monsignor Martinez" easter egg
Featurette: The Arlen School of Drawing.
Still gallery: "The Boy Ain't Right" (excerpts from the book)
Featurette: "Music Inspired by The Hills"
2 animated music video's
8 static pages with music
King of the Hill game
"Boomhauser" easter egg

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