Docteur Who (2005) - Saison 8 intégrale

Informations générales

DVD Zone : 1
Sortie le : 09/12/2014

Informations techniques

Langues : Anglais Dolby Digital 5.1
Sous-titres : Anglais


EXCLUSIVE footage from London Post-Premiere Q&A with Peter Capaldi, Jenna Coleman and Steven Moffat
EXCLUSIVE Doctor Who episode commentaries for Into the Dalek, Robot of Sherwood, The Caretaker, and Kill the Moon
Behind-the-Scenes featurettes (12 total)
Doctor Who Exclusive (4 total)
Doctor Who: The Ultimate Time Lord (special with Fifth Doctor Peter Davison)
Doctor Who: The Ultimate Companion (special with Fifth Doctor Peter Davison)
Doctor Who: Earth Conquest (World Tour Documentary)
Tour of the TARDIS
Doctor Who: Deep Breath Live Pre-Show & After Who Live (hosted by comedian and Doctor Who superfan Chris Hardwick)
FOXES - "Don't Stop Me Now" (Music video from Mummy on the Orient Express)

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