Aventures du jeune Indiana Jones (Les) - Volume 3

Informations générales

DVD Zone : 1
Sortie le : 29/04/2008

Distributeur : Paramount Home Video

Informations techniques

Langues : Anglais Dolby Digital Stéréo
Sous-titres : Anglais


* Interactive Game
* Interactive Timeline
o Takes you through the life of Young Indiana Jones
* 31 Companion Historical Documentaries:
1. Unhealed Wounds: The Life of Ernest Hemingway
2. The Secret Life of Edith Wharton
3. Lowell Thomas: American Storyteller
4. The French Foreign Legion: The World's Most Legendary Fighting Force
5. For the People Despite the People: The Ataturk Revolution
6. The Greedy Heart of Halide Edib
7. Dracula: Fact and Fiction
8. The Ottoman Empire: A World of Difference
9. Bronislaw Malinowski: God Professor
10. Anthropology: Looking at the Human Condition
11. New Guinea: Paradise in Peril
12. Woodrow Wilson: American Idealist
13. Gertrude Bell: Iraq's Uncrowned Queen
14. Ho Chi Minh: The Price of Freedom
15. Paul Robeson: Scandalize My Name
16. Robert Goddard: Mr. Rocket Science
17. The Best Intentions: The Paris Peace Conference and the Treaty of Versailles
18. Al "Scarface" Capone: The Original Gangster
19. Ben Hecht: Shakespeare of Hollywood
20. On the Trail of Eliot Ness
21. Louis Armstrong: Ambassador of Jazz
22. Jazz: Rhythms of Freedom
23. Prohibition: America on the Rocks
24. Hellfighters: Harlem's Heroes of World War One
25. Tin Pan Alley: Soundtrack of America
26. Broadway: America Center Stage
27. Wonderful Nonsense: The Algonquin Roundtable
28. Erich von Stroheim: The Profligate Genius
29. The World of John Ford
30. Irving Thalberg: Hollywood's Boy Wonder
31. The Rise of the Moguls: The Men Who Built Hollywood

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