Murder (US) - Saison 1 intégrale

Informations générales

DVD Zone : 1
Sortie le : 04/08/2015

Informations techniques

Langues : Anglais Dolby Digital 5.1
Sous-titres : Français, anglais pour malentendants, espagnol


FIRST YEAR LAW - Welcome to Keating & Associates. Not your average law firm, or your average TV legal drama. In this piece we take a closer look at the show and its fast paced, time shifting style. We will meet the Keating 5 as well as Annalise and her associates to learn about how the cast is enjoying their success and getting used to a fast paced smart show.
"BYE FELICIA" MUSIC VIDEO It's Asher's last day of college, he's been accepted to the ultra prestigious Middleton Law School and to make things even more dope, his dad has just sent him a big fat congratulation check. His investments are already on point, so this is just fun money. He's about to send off his Frat brothers with the freshest party his Ivy League campus has ever seen. We're going to follow him from the time he wakes up and counts his blessings, through pre-gaming, getting turnt up and throwing down until the break of dawn yo. At least that's Asher's plan. In reality we'll see a guy flexing pretty hard to look a lot more baller than he actually is. Still he'll almost pull it off. And that's the joy of it.
DELETED SCENES - Unseen moments from Season 1
BLOOPERS - Who says murder isn't funny? Check out some of the lighter moments and goof-ups from HTGAWM

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