Middleman (The) - Intégrale

Informations générales

DVD Zone : 1
Sortie le : 28/07/2009

Informations techniques

Langues : Anglais


* Disc 1:
o The Pilot Episode Sanction (with Commentary)

* Disc 2:
o The Cursed Tuba Contingency (with Commentary)

* Disc 3:
o The Clotharian Contamination Protocol (with Commentary)
o The Palindrome Reversal Palindrome (with Commentary)

* Disc 4 - Bonus Features:
o Deleted/Extended Scenes
o Weekly Javicasts
o The Middleman-ager
o Gag Reel
o Casting Sessions
o The Wilhelm Scream
o Original Opening Title Sequence Animatics
o Original Opening Title Sequence
o "The Palindrome Reversal Palindrome" Table Read
o "Scream Ur Luv 4 Me" Music Video
o Scripts
o A Gallery of Photography by Ralph King

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