Mad Men - Saison 3 intégrale

Informations générales

Blu-ray Zone : 1
Sortie le : 23/03/2010

Informations techniques

Langues : Anglais 5.1 DTS-HD master audio
Sous-titres : Anglais et espagnol


* "Mad Men Commentaries" - Feature-length audio commentaries with cast and crew
* "Medgar Evers: The Patriarch. The Activist. The Hero." - This documentary explores the intimate details of the life of a Civil Rights Pioneer who believed in a better way of life for all through equality and the end of segregation.
* "Up In Smoke" - A visual depiction of the juxtaposition between the world of advertising and big tobacco, during the 40s, 50s, early 60s and today.
* "We Shall Overcome: The March on Washington" - Dr. King's speech accompanied by images detailing the historical moment when over 250,000 people came together for the March on Washington.
* "Mad Men Illustrated" - Dyna Moe invites you to scroll through the slightly "animated" photo gallery of the Mad Men Illustrations accompanied with commentary from the illustrator extraordinaire.
* "Flashback 1963" - An interactive look at the events and themes that defined the year.

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